D&D Dice V-1.2

D&D Dice is a configurable die rolling application suited to most role playing games. It has six configurable dice that randomly roll when tapped. The view to the left shows the D&D Dice view over the top of my backdrop application InfoBack

Die Roller View Description

When you tap the centre of the die roller view, the die randomly generates a number from 1 to the text value displayed in the centre. On each of the four corners of the die are a set of controls. These are explained below:

The animated die output is displayed below.

Tapping the diamod changes the die's base value. Choosing Custom from the popup takes the modifier value form the die.
This corner displays the number of dice rolled. See multiplier or +.
Tapping the + sums another roll.
Tapping the C clears the die output and modifier.

This is the die modifier and is added to each roll.

Extra Control Options

To the right of the display area is a set of extra control options. These options are explained below:

Multiplier Input: A number entered here will determine the number of dice to roll in tap. Default is 1 and number is cleared after each roll.
Multiplier Toggle: Prevents multiplier input dialog from being cleared after each tap. Also stops trash can animation when clearing dice.
Buttons: The C clears all the dice. The N creates character stats for D&D characters, (best 3 of 4 rolls). The i displays the about dialog box.
Close Box: The "x" closes the application and saves the dice values and modifiers for when you next run D&D Dice.

Minimising D&D Dice

D&D Dice can be minimised by tapping the circular button in the top left hand corner of the display. The view will shrink to a small square with a circular button within it. Tapping the circular button will maximise the view again.


D&D Dice is written for all Newton 2.x OS systems. Note that it has not been tested on any MP2K devices. However, there should be no foreseeable problems.

Download It


D&D Dice is free.

Version Info

Version Release Date Info
1.2 9 April 99
  • Dice type and modifiers are saved.
  • Added check box to:
    • Prevent multiplier input line from clearing.
    • Turn off delete animation effects for quick clearing
      and new player rolling.
  • Moved button and control displays.
1.1 Never Must have slipped my mind not to release this. Only fixed minor bug with modifier input view.
1.0 13 June 1997 Released at:

Messages to: Shane D. Hill (sdhengsoft @ tpg . com . au)