Notes2Notes V-2.1b3
Notes2Notes is a Windows program that synchronizes Newton notes with Microsoft Outlook 97, 98 & 2000. The creator of Notes2Notes is Brad Smith. However, Brad has given me development rights to Notes2Notes since I developed V-2.0. Thanks Brad! Version 2.0 has many new features and has had the serial communication improved to work just as well on Newt 120/130's as well as Newt 2100's. It uses the Sloup communication package by Steve Weyer on the Newton side.
Screen Shots
This is the main screen for Notes2Notes, (without the view pane active). Notes can be sorted by title, folder or date using the column tabs.
This is the Note view. The example shows show a Note I wrote on my Newton to help me remember how to make pancake batter.
This is Sloup Talk. Sloup Talk allows experienced Sloup users to send commands to the Newton and for the results to be displayed. This example show how you can retrieve a list of packages installed on your Newton.
- Notes2Notes requires Sloup to be installed on your Newton. Sloup is a serial communications package for the Newton by Steve Weyer. If you require support for Standalone's Super Notepad, you will need to get version 2.2h2 or higher of Sloup. Otherwise version 2.1 or higher will work fine.
Notes2Notes was written to be compatible with Win9x, WinNT and Win2K. It has been tested using Outlook 97, 98 and 2000.
Know Problems
- Generally Notes2Notes will not duplicate notes in your Newton or Outlook. However, if any Newton note has a ? in the title then the find command fails in Outlook and the note will be duplicated. I'm looking for a cure at the moment.
- If you transfer an Outlook note in a category that doesn't have a matching folder on the Newton then you will not be able to see the note on your Newton until you create a folder with that name or you choose to view all notes.
- Outlook notes may be associated with more than one category. Newton notes may not. If you have an Outlook note associated with more than one category and you transfer it to the Newton you will end up with a Newton note that is filed in a folder with a name like "category1, category2". Even worse, you will not be able to see the note at all until you create a folder of the same name.
Download It
Latest Version
- Notes2Notes-2.1b3.exe, Readme.txt, (No Visual Basic runtime libraries. Most people will only require this file.)
Previous Versions
- Notes2Notes-2.01.exe, (No Visual Basic runtime libraries. Most people will only require this file, 108Kb)
-, (Full installation. Only required if above Notes2Notes.exe file will not run, 2Mb)
Notes2Notes is free.
Version Info
Version Date Info 2.1b3 4 April 2002
- Fix for a possible hang on notes that don't terminate with a carriage return/line feed pair.
- Ability to filter on Newton notes folders e.g. view just Business notes.
- Support for 115200 baud connections (experimental!).
2.01 20 February 2001
- Official non-beta release of Notes2Note V-2x.
- Removed some annoying tooltips that would popup while trying to select notes for transfer.
- Fixed status bar bug.
2.0b2 1 September 2000
- Heaps of changes to the user interface.
- Better communication between Newt<->Windows, to remove communication dropouts.
- Added "Sloup Talk". A utility for those experienced with Sloup to view other information in the Newt.
- Added support for Standalone's Super Notepad, (you must have Sloup V-2.2h2 or higher for this to work).
- Added support for Standalone's More Folders.
2.0b1 29 August 2000
- Introduction of version 2.0 to Brad Smith. This was the first of the new Notes2Notes.
1.x 6 July 2000
- The last version of Notes2Notes by Brad Smith.
Messages to: Shane D. Hill (sdhengsoft @ tpg . com . au)