Welcome to Shane Hill's Home Page
Latest News
9 Oct 2003 Just added V-2.1b3 from 4 Apr 2002 to this site. 4 Jun 2002 Updated all my e-mail adresses to "sdhengsoft @ tpg . com". au. My old ISP Free2aiR bit the dust. 5 May 2002 Brad has released an update of Notes2Notes to V-2.1b3. This fixed a few comms problems. You can get the EXE from Brad Smith. Table of Contents
Newton Software
I have been dabbling in writing applications for the Apple Newton Message Pad since April 1997. This home page is in a basic format so that it is Newton friendly. My first application was a dice rolling application written using the Apple Newton Development Toolkit (NTK) under Microsoft Windows™. However, all my current applications have been written and compiled directly on the Newton using Steve Weyer's Newt application
, (Thanks Steve). My software releases include:
Notes2Notes: Notes2Notes is a Windows program that synchronizes Newton notes with Microsoft Outlook 97, 98 & 2000. It uses Sloup by Steve Weyer on the Newton side to transfer the data to Outlook.
ListIt: By far the most compact and fastest home inventory and listing application ever written for the Newton. You can even use it to balance your cheque books and monitor travel expences. Now will work on all OS 2.x devices.
DateBar: Adds a button bar to the top left corner of the Dates application to allow one tap quick access to all the Dates overview forms. Namely day, week, month, year, todo agenda views and go to today button.
D&D Dice: A configurable die rolling application suited to most role playing games. It has six configurable dice that randomly roll when tapped.
DateView: A very fast date/calendar/todo summary utility. View and print a summary of all your appointments for any time range.
InfoBack & MiniBack: An application that replaces the default NotePad application as backdrop. It shows a summary of time, date, next meeting, todo's, battery status, volume status and heap status. It also allows you to scribble information directly onto the backdrop. A major feature of this application is the ability to drag the information views around the screen to any location you like. All this and a small heap foot print. MiniBack is a cutdown version of InfoBack. The volume, heap, battery and storage status has been removed. The quick access to Extras and Packages has also been removed.
NoteCheck: A small application to add a check-all button to the NotePad application. Now you can select all the notes in a single folder. (Not required for MP2K's)
MiniStyle: Is a replacement for the default Styles application. It activates the extended Newton font characteristics. Choose from bold, italic, underline, outline, superscript and subscript formats. Choose any font size you like. All this and in a very small screen foot print.
Custom Sounds: A collection of sounds I have created/converted for the Newton.
Coming Very Soon
Newtmosphere: A formulas application that computes the standard atmospheric properties up to 230,000 ft. This is based on the 1976 standard atmosphere. Quantities are computed in imperial and metric unit types.
PostIt: A small application that simulates the ever popular yellow Post-It Notes™ that everyone uses to remind us of things to do.
X-Windows Software
Mfsm: A Motif File System Monitor. This program graphically monitors the disk usage on UNIX systems. A colour bar chart is given for each defined filesystem. Warning colours and bells can be set to warn of approaching full disks.
Messages to: Shane D. Hill (sdhengsoft @ tpg . com . au)